Wednesday, June 8, 2011

"Reincarnated in the Blossoms"

Obviously art is in the eye of the beholder.  A single piece of art can mean one thing to one person and something completely different to another.  That is the why art as a whole is so important; taking our own meanings and applying them whichever way suits our needs.  In many ways I enjoy listening to other's perspectives on what the art says to them-- you can learn a lot about a person, by simply hearing their interpretation.  So, why spoil it with facts about how or why it was actually created?
I don't make art with a meaning in mind, the meaning of what I'm creating arises in the act.  Then it becomes something to me and I go from there.  Sometimes, I have an idea in mind of what I want something to look like-- sometimes the final product actually looks like what I pictured, other times I start with an idea and the painting looks nothing like what I had originally thought. In this particular case, I had an idea in mind and then it transformed into something inspirational.  I'm going to be showcasing my artwork at a Vegan/Gluten Free Bakery in Redmond at the Redmond square called: Flying Apron.  You can check out their location during the months of September-October to see my paintings on display.  This painting (below) is the first of many, many more paintings to come.

"Reincarnated in the Blossoms"

Continuous wrap 1 1/4" sides
Price: $210 *SOLD*
Catalog info:
Artwork: "Reincarnated in the Blossoms"
Brief Description: Acrylic 16x16" Abstract Painting
Type: Painting
Art Style: Abstract
Medium: Acrylic Paint/Gel Matte
Framed: Self Framing (Continuous wrap of painting on sides) 1 1/4" sides
Reproduction: Original
Retail Price: $210
Final Coat/Protection: Kamar Varnish-1312/Crystal Clear Acrylic Coating-1303

Behind the Scene
Music is my inspiration.  The mood I'm in determines the music, which determines how the painting turns out. 
While I was painting this, I was listening to a series of Tgusaru-jamisen inspired music, which is mainly traditional Japanese music with a modern electronic twist.  A station I listen to frequently on Pandora One "Yoshida Brother's" station, which is where my motivation for this piece "Reincarnated in the Blossoms" comes from.
It's actually very unique how the music ended up creating something that looks very similar to the Yamazakura's historical bombers who believed that when they died their souls would come back reincarnated in the Cherry Blossoms.

If you are interested in checking out my paintings on display go to: 
or you can visit them in person (Sept-Oct.) at:  
16541 Redmond Way, Ste E
Redmond, WA 98052.  

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